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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Flattery Will Get You Everywhere

Or will it? Apparently the Vatican tops the list of a very long line of folks exercised by Madame Tussaud's tasteless but amusing celebrity nativity scene, featuring Kylie Minogue. Gabe downstairs seemed relieved that even I thought it wasn't very respectful (even as it succeeds as theater).

But then, Kylie is a survivor. She knows how to rebound from controversy. Her new release sounds like an exercise in flattery...maybe of the audience?: "I Believe in You."

On Kylie's 'Body Language' album launch concert DVD, at the conclusion of her wonderful 'Breathe/Je T'Aime', she engages in a bit of audience flattery - so lavish it feels less like praise and more like a challenge to the beauty-deprived minions outside the concert hall (in distant places, like Sacramento). I know it scares me a bit:
Thank you very much! How are you all feeling? I can see most of you so far. I don't need to see you to know how gorgeous you all are! One thing my audiences are renowned for are their utter beauty!

Welcome news to those of us without lingerie lines, but with receding hair lines!

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