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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Interesting Recent News Articles

Wonderful, ominous article regarding credit card debt, drastically unfair increases in fees, and a major threat to middle class life.

Oklahoma's Representative Ernest Istook, caught red-handed in a massive lie.

American oligarchs, and Latin American oligarchs, start intermarrying, the start of a new and disturbing trend.

The new JFK assassination video game has deeply disturbed the Kennedy family, for understandable reasons. Nevertheless, there is no better way for curious people, trying to puzzle out whether there was a conspiracy to murder Kennedy or not, to engage in a video game and see how it was possible. Books like Gerald Posner's "Case Closed," plus the Warren Report for that matter, long ago established that a lone sniper was more than able enough to do the deed, but missteps by the CIA, among other agencies, helped provide the ammunition to keep the argument alive. Games can settle the matter for most people, and therefore this is a positive development.

"Polar Express" is apparently a turkey of a movie, just in time for Thanksgiving. I'd still like to see it, but last week I offered H.'s kids the option of seeing it for free, and they winced, and asked if they could see "The Incredibles" for a second time instead. Ouch!

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