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Sunday, November 28, 2004

Goth Experiment

"Is there something I can help you with?" Thus spake Robert, occasional KDVS DJ and Tower Records representative, as he saw me puzzling over the Goth/Industrial selection. Informed that I was thinking of experimenting with dance-oriented Goth music, Robert launched on a disquisition of the various modes, styles and trends of Goth/Industrial music - very helpful to an insensible soul such as myself.

I emerged with two CD Goth/Industrial collections: DAC's "Advanced Electronics," and Cleopatra Records' "This is Neo-Goth." Robert informs me that there are many essential groups not on these particular collections (e.g., "Sisters of Mercy"), but it's not possible to span any musical field with just two purchases, and it would be silly to try. Nevertheless, this is a start, and to my surprise, I've liked all four songs I've had a chance to listen to so far (this despite my iron rule that one should expect 90% of anything to be crap).

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