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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Al Qa Qaa

Has there ever been a better name for a scandal? In any event, it's shameful the way Matt Drudge and other Administration stooges have been trying to excuse the Bush Administration for its lack of care. Of course U.S. troops didn't find explosives at Al Qa Qaa when they first reached it, the day after Baghdad fell. The job of those troops was to rest and then proceed immediately to Baghdad, and not engage in an inventory check. It's pretty easy to establish that the explosives (and the auxiliary equipment) was removed after the U.S. took over Iraq. The U.S. troops, suffering from their chronic manpower shortage, were not able to man a watch on the place. 'Ali Baba' made off with the explosives, to everybody's detriment.

My faith-based initiative: I pray for good results on Election Day!

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