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Monday, August 02, 2004

Random Weekend Notes

Saw Vallejo Music Theater's "A Chorus Line" on Saturday, directed by Pam Kay Lourentzos. The show was good: the parts were well-cast and the dancers well-rehearsed. The fellow playing "Mike" (I'll find the program) was a phenom: I also liked "Sheila" and "Bobby" and "Bebe" and "Paul". Regina was fantastic as "Cassie". And it was great to see Monica and Michael Miiller on-stage again.

The weak point of the show was the music (not live). It was vaguely unsettling to see the audience reflected in the mirrors during "Music in the Mirror": Cassie, the mirrors, .... and all her friends too.

Saw another show on the weekend too: unsettling, unexpected, worrisome, even. Makes me nervous.....

Went to David Holme's and Jeremiah Lowder's birthday party at the Carmichael Garcia's: it was great connecting with those folks again (David and Lori and Jeremiah and Kristin and Keri and Richard and others). We got news of the Elly Award nominations from Ray Fisher during the party. The great annual game Community Theater Russian Roulette awarded a bushel of nominations to RSP (deservedly or not).

Went to the weekly Carmichael Elks Ballroom Dance. One African-American woman was wearing a pretty pin, which seemed to be shaped very much like a spider. I asked her if the pin was symbolic. She said not really: she was wearing a black widow pin because that was what she was!

Strange weekend.

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