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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Buzzell Genealogy

Having a lot of fun extending my family line back, all the way back to Simon Bussey, who landed in 1668 at Cape Porpoise (near Kennebunkport), Maine. It was excellent to see that date: I had a copy of a letter from my grandfather, Francis Drake Buzzell, to his granddaughter, indicating the first Buzzell landed in 1668 (although he had indicated the landing place was Connecticut, not Maine). Maine was the wild frontier then: apparently Cotton Mather's History of New England describes Bussey's travails being kidnapped by Indians. Kennebunkport is much more sedate today (or is it?)

Just another example of how we have to commit what we know to print, and disseminate it, if we want it to live on! Stuff that frustrates us to no end was once common knowledge! (I wonder if this blog will live until eternity?)

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