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Sunday, July 25, 2004

Virgin Surprise

After watching Runaway Stage's "A Chorus Line" this afternoon, the DMTC borg retired to Arden Fair mall to sample the new Cheesecake Factory there, but the effort turned into a debacle:  the place was far too crowded.  After getting separated from the DMTC folks, I ended up eating alone, but Michael McElroy found me, and we ended up going to Virgin Megastore, where CDs, DVDs, and related entertainment paraphernalia are usually found.

To my surprise, on the new merchandise display, were copies of the 9/11 report, released late last week.  I didn't realize Virgin also sold books.  I especially didn't realize Virgin sold politically topical reports.  I quickly snatched up one of the books.  (A caustic blogger is taking bets about how many pages of the report G.W. Bush reads).

Time willing, I hope to read the 9/11 report.

The DMTC borg eventually ended up, predictably enough, at Max's Opera Cafe, but vast amounts of time were squandered this evening.  Cheesecake Factory another time.......

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