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Monday, July 26, 2004

Is Kerry Able Enough?

Chris Suellentrop has an interesting question:

"Even a casual viewer of Hardball knows that the first rule of an election that involves a sitting president is that it's a referendum on the incumbent. This election, however, has turned out to be the opposite. It's a referendum on the challenger. Kerry probably isn't responsible for this turn of events, but he's benefiting from it: The referendum on the incumbent is over. President Bush already lost it. This presidential campaign isn't about whether the current president deserves a second term. It's about whether the challenger is a worthy replacement."

In last year's California Recall Election, the September 24th CBA debate, the only one that Arnold Schwarzenegger participated in and by far the most watched debate in California history, did much to establish Schwarzenegger as a viable candidate. Arnold didn't have to do very much - after all, there was the embarrassing squabble with Arianna Huffington, where he indirectly offered to put her head in a toilet - but it was good enough to convince people he was good enough. That low bar was the only barrier between Arnold and the governorship. Same this year with Kerry and the Presidency. Kerry doesn't have to meet high expectations: all he has to do is show that he's at least G.W. Bush's equal, and Kerry will soon be picking out his favorite wallpaper for the Oval Office.

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