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Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Back to the Future

Movies of late have been a disappointment. I was disheartened by the way the promising start at that international congress of 'The Day After Tomorrow' was ruined, by riding roughshod over the Arab delegate's request for clarification of the counterintuitive information he was being fed. Angered, with no outlet, I decided instead to start a fight with the people sitting behind me who wouldn't shut up. Maybe when theaters dissolve into shouting and mayhem from annoyed fans who just wasted their money, moviemakers will spend $50 or $100 from their $100 million budgets and ask technical folks how to improve their screenplays. After all, those LA tornadoes in 'The Day After Tomorrow' could have looked so much cooler if the cinematographers understood that tornado funnels in close proximity dance around each other in whirling circles! Moviemakers are fools - we don't have to be fools. Rent more technically-exact movies, like 1953's "The War of the Worlds" instead!

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