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Monday, March 01, 2004

Before Leaving the Bankruptcy Theme

Here's an interesting letter that was posted on the Lucianne Posting Board:

There are the occasional unfortunate chains of events that also lead to bankruptcy.

In my case, I suffered a heart attack, followed by divorce (wife ran off to the bars, leaving young kids with me)followed by two heart ops to fix the problem, followed by an earthquake......all in a two year span.

Needless to say, I was buried under the financial burden, with a temporary loss of income (me) and permanent loss of income(ex) with additional burdens thrown on top, (childcare and earthquake repair.)

Add to that the bankers' lack of sympathy for my temporary payment troubles and the desire to forclose as soon as possible, and I had a choice of the lesser of two evils. I chose to file bankruptcy in order to properly provide for my kids.

Since then, I am doing fine, so are they, and I am known as a financial deadbeat.

The previous 20 years of excellent financial history meant nothing.

To say that all people who go bankrupt are being devious is a bit of a stretch. I would like to see how well some of you would do under the same situation.

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