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Thursday, September 11, 2003

Jon Stewart's 'The Daily Show'

My bit aired last night, September 10th, on Jon Stewart's 'The Daily Show'! Aarghhh! I was apoplectic when I came into work late and saw an E-Mail message from my friend John in Oklahoma that the show had aired, because the folks in New York had told me they would warn me beforehand, so I could alert others. I raced home, but it was too late. The New York folks HAD called and left a message on the answering machine, but I hadn't checked messages before heading out to musical theater rehearsal. The show aired again at 1 a.m., however, so I finally did get to see it. Steve was going to use his TIVO system to tape it at 7 a.m. here, so maybe we'll have something to post later on, or maybe The Daily Show will post it themselves in a few days, as they often do with Corddry's interviews (see Corrdry - On the Road, at the bottom of the page called up by the link above).

I was surprised how little footage they used. They were at the house for nearly two hours. Life in the fast lane, I guess! At least they used the Arnold impression, probably the funniest bit.

Anyway, no 15 minutes of national fame, more like 15 seconds. Still, it's a start!

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