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Tuesday, August 05, 2003

The Future Governors of California

Yesterday, I turned in some of my petitions with recall signatures at the Sacramento County Board of Elections. Even though it was just Monday, the small lobby was crowded with future governors of California. We were a bluff, hale, hearty self-confident group of folks, bumping into each other like Michelin men, wishing each other good fortune. I even started a round of hand-shaking. It was as if we were at a NASCAR rally, or sizing up quarter-horses at the State Fair, or playing golf. Going over to the Secretary of State's office this morning, I met one of the group again, a fellow named Leonard Padilla, father of Julie Padilla. At first, I couldn't remember who Julie Padilla was - I thought it was bail bond ads on TV - but after leaving the office, I now remember I've seen her name before, running in local political races, and generally getting praise in the media for her stands, despite lop-sided defeats. (My feeble memory for names, which has bedeviled me since age 38, is going to be a real handicap if this thing takes off.)

I really like the professional and friendly folks at the Sacramento Board of Elections. These days, I'm sure they are glad they work for the County, though, rather than the State.

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