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Sunday, July 20, 2003

Three Beers

Went ballroom dancing for about an hour last night, at "The Ballroom." Saw a few old acquaintances, but things were pretty quiet. Maybe I should get private lessons from Lisa Lloyd or Grace Stewart? Hmmm..... Afterwards, blogged for a few minutes, then went to "Faces." Noisy, but not as crowded as I feared. Tried to strike up a conversation with a tall transvestite, but things were so cacophonous that I couldn't make myself understood. Had an amusing conversation with a garish woman whom I mistook at first for a transvestite. Proclaiming herself in a shy and demure mood (ha!), she chose to dance with her boyfriend instead. Danced with a shy woman who apparently had some sort of Mediterranean accent. When she said she didn't know how to dance the style of dance on the floor (some sort of urban rap mish-mash) I suggested she just make it up as she went along. What I wanted to tell her was that dance-wise, 90% of the people there did not have a clue about anything at all. Time to let those worries drop aside. Three beers into the evening, I certainly did. Afterwards, spun Sparky around the neighborhood, and then got some much needed rest (despite the heat-wave, I have yet to use my air conditioner this summer).

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