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Tuesday, July 22, 2003


Unfortunately Eoghan Harris' story is incidental to the Kelly scandal. Blair's complaints against the BBC concern its internal newsgathering culture's slanting of the news. Kelly may have seemed an inviting target, because he was unauthorized to speak to the BBC (was he?), but Kelly was also a loyal and decent scientist (was he?). Conflating Kelly and the BBC is the big error. In fact, standing firm against the BBC is what is getting Blair into the most trouble, because Blair's staunch opposition appears directed at Kelly personally. The stands of both Blair and the BBC are so firm that rigor mortis has set in. Blair appears ready to sacrifice Hoon and Campbell, to his own detriment. A calculated retreat by both parties is in order. Winner-takes-all could well mean Blair loses all - time for everyone to regroup. I predict the winner will be whichever party retreats the most gracefully.

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