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Wednesday, July 09, 2003

A New Defensiveness

All these concerns regarding the honesty of G.W. Bush and his Administration regarding the Iraq War are beginning to affect conservatives. I notice a new defensive tone in their proclamations: I noticed it particularly today in the Lucianne Forum. Meanwhile beautiful, but utterly vile, Anne Coulter, has captured the hearts of many conservatives. Some people (not necessarily here) say that her book reminds them of Mein Kampf, except with Jews replaced by liberals. This seems to be the fate of modern right-wingers - go absolutely beserk because they have no strong enemies anymore, and then pronounce the remaining few to be unworthy of remaining alive (the penalty for 'Treason', of course, is....). Will they self-destruct? I certainly hope so, but maybe not - it looks like a race to the bottom.

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