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Tuesday, July 15, 2003

More Tales from Sacramento at Night

Sunday morning, at freakin' 2:45 a.m., several hours after dancing in "Show Boat" at DMTC, I walked my dog Sparky past a house that had always seemed devoid of life. Surprisingly, on the front door step, a beautiful woman dressed in a sarong was dancing a salsa step to soft music - apparently alone. So stunned was I by the magical vision that all I could muster was a sheepish grin and a hand wave. It occurred to me later that I should have danced a salsa past her, maybe drumming up a conversation about Cuban hip motion, but after "Show Boat" and everything, so late at night, I could hardly think clearly. I will pay more attention to this house from now on.

The night before, as I walked my dog Sparky near my house about 2 a.m., I looked in the window of a house and caught glimpses of a dressed male and an undressed female. "What's going on in there?", I thought, as I squinted through the distant portal. I stopped near a parked van and watched a moon pass from east to west, then from west to east. What's going on in there? Just then, pedestrians approached, and realizing I looked pretty foolish, I moved on. Sadly enough, I will probably pay more attention to this house too from now on.

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