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Tuesday, July 15, 2003

George Zoritch's CD

I took George Zoritch's CD of ballet barre music to my Sunday morning ballet class (class size, about 10), with Pam Kay Lourentzos. I gave the CD to her, in the expectation that after a review of the music she might play it the following week in ballet class, but to my surprise, she took the CD and started playing it directly. So we had an interesting class where we were all naive listeners, where no one including the instructor had any idea at all of what to expect from the music. Most comments were of the sort like "pretty music", or "very dramatic music", with one woman (Monica) laughing during degages that it reminded her of silent-movie accompaniment. I noticed that the class seemed to be working harder than usual, because we weren't switching CDs and because there was no wasted time between musical selections or when changing sides. In general, I think the CD made a very favorable impression on everybody. I anticipate it will become part of the standard repertoire of music in Pam's class. Next, I need to introduce it into Victoria Johnson's class. And with the third CD Zoritch provided gratis, I still have options.

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