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Thursday, June 12, 2003

Theater In Our Lives

I've had this idea bubbling in my mind for the last year or so, regarding the most important events of the 20th Century. The 20th Century was the busiest century ever, crammed with a multitude of activities and events. My idea is the most important activity the human race engaged in in the 20th Century was coming to terms with the impact of theater (acting, music, dance) in everyday life, especially (but not limited to) the role of romance, awakening people to the many potentials of life, and power relations (e.g., Hitler, after all, was an artist first). Fantasy became interwoven with daily life to an unprecedented extent (Madame Bovary was a premonition), most importantly through the medium of movies, but also through TV and radio (Argentina DOES cry for you, Evita). Theater was more important than ideology, inherited tradition, and even economic realities. OK....Whew! That's the BIG-THINK idea for today! I'm sure there is a book there - there may already be many books - but at least I burst that particular thought bubble.

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