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Thursday, March 27, 2003

Richard Perle Resigns

Richard Perle resigned. I guess where there was smoke, there was fire.....

And yet there was also the appearance of Prince Bandar bin Sultan getting even against Richard Perle, for who knows what offenses - something to do with the Prince's sister spending several hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on a terrorist safe house in San Diego, perhaps? Or maybe something else? According to the Washington Post article, referring to Seymour Hersh's original New Yorker article:

The piece contains this extraordinary quote from Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi ambassador to the United States: "There were elements of the appearance of blackmail -- 'If we get in business, he'll back off on Saudi Arabia' -- as I have been informed by participants in the meeting."

I don't know what the real story is, but the backstabbing looks intense here. Something to look out for when the histories of this time get written......

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