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Thursday, October 17, 2002

There But For The Grace Of God Go I!

An interesting, ominous article about the dangers of spending too many hours at a keyboard. It's a real mystery, that's for sure. It makes you wonder if something weird happens to the brain, some neural pathways taken far beyond exhaustion. You would think you would have an epileptic fit, or something, then sleep it off, but who knows?

I've never spent as much as 10 hours at video games, although I've binged as much as 15 - 18 hours in casinos, and the effect is probably similar (probably unlike the Korean man, I had some breaks). Weird and unhinged I became. Weird and unhinged I was before I went in, I suppose. I read somewhere (Science, I think) that scientists who monitor brain activity with positron emission tomography can't distinguished gambling and cocaine from one another. I bet video games fall in there too.

I remember playing with a very crude (even by the standard of the time) Pac-Man game on my black-and-white television, around 1982 or so. The Pac-Man and the Monsters jumped around in jerky motions. Even though I played for only an hour or so, when I turned away to rest, and started to read a book, all the characters on the page started jerking around like crazed cockroaches. Freaked me out for sure!

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