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Tuesday, December 17, 2024

2024/25 California Rainy Season, to Date

A quick summary of the California rainy season, to date. Northern California is very wet (rainfall is 144% of normal for the season for Sacramento Executive Airport). In stark contrast, Southern California, the land of rampaging fires, is very dry. 

Starting on Saturday we'll start seeing a lot more rain in Norcal (with lots of rain on Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas), but there's no indication any rain will fall at all in SoCal until New Year's Eve.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Major Lunar Standstill Sunday Night Moonrise

[Sunday night, December 15th] The full moon is nearly overhead - about 28 degrees north - and about as far north as it ever gets, in this year of major lunar standstill. Enjoy! 

More on the major lunar standstill at the Griffith Observatory in LA: