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Saturday, November 05, 2022

The Next Threat to Florida is Beginning to Materialize

There is brewing tropical activity at the eastern tip of the Dominican Republic right now, just west of Puerto Rico, that looks like it'll be the next big trouble. Right now it's heading north, but forecasts indicate it'll soon start breaking for the Florida coast and thrashing its way through the Bahamas. 

The NVG model suggests the storm will head towards Jacksonville, get pretty close, but then veer off instead for the North Carolina coast, making landfall there around November 12th. So, it'll be scary for the folks all along the FL-GA-SC-NC coast. 

The GFS model instead suggests the storm will veer south, smash Miami on November 10th, then cross Florida for a direct hit on Tampa, before heading to Georgia and points northeast. 

So, the devil is in the details. It'll be worrisome, no matter what happens.

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Amused by the Tactics Used in the Local State Senate Race - Democrats Trying to Woo Republicans

For myself, I prefer Jones, because I think Ashby is tempermentally a Republican, no matter what her registration is.  At least that's the overall impression that I got by once spending an hour in her presence.:
Various Ashby supporters began claiming the mailer is attacking Democrats, Newsom and the Feminist Democrats.
Newsom executive secretary Jim DeBoo on Sunday waded into the fray on Twitter, tagging California Democratic Party chair Rusty Hicks and the Democratic Party of Sacramento. 
“@CA_DaveJones you are endorsed by the @CA_Dem but you sent a piece of mail to republicans denouncing democrats?” DeBoo said. “I guess sometimes nothing is surprising. @sacdems @rustyhicks what you say? Can’t imagine you endorse this behavior.”

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

I'm Impressed by the Video from One of the Drone Boats Used in the Sevastopol Attack

Monday, October 31, 2022