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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Hurricane Season Isn't Over

The extreme storminess in Central America has resolved itself into a new storm - Tropical Storm Karl - that is now circling around the Gulf of Mexico's Bay of Campeche, near the Mexican coast. Karl isn't showing any signs of coming east to Florida, but the storminess is likely to linger in the Bay of Campeche for a long time, which will be a problem for Veracruz, and other places in Mexico. Model forecasts are now showing no particular impact in Texas (although they will get some unrelated rain next week). 

I hope Karl dissipates quickly. The longer it persists, the greater danger it poses.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Went and Got Covid Booster Today

For inscrutable reasons, they sent me to this unfamiliar clinic in West Sacramento. Felt like a lost honeybee in an antiseptic hive. Didn't even feel the sting.


I Went to the DMV Today

Actually, I really like the DMV - all your neighbors are there and the clerks are really nice. Still, not everyone agrees, so here is this fun video for them:


Sunday, October 09, 2022

More on Thomas Meixner's Death

 Still so shocking.  I spent about two years, 1986 and 1987, shuttling between the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, the Hydrology Department, and the Microbiology Department at the University of Arizona.  And Meixner was head of the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences too.  Could not possibly have caused more chaos for them.

Erlynda and Chris Get Married

Erlynda Valcourt and Chris Edwards Hall of Granite Bay marry at the Placer County Clerk-Recorder Office's Chapel, Auburn, California, September 28, 2022.


BikeParty Sacramento Came to the Parking Lot Behind My House Friday Night, Oct 7, 2022

BikeParty Sacramento also came to this parking lot on the night of October 1, 2018, the very first night I had Jasper, after bringing him down from Placerville a few hours before. Poor puppy was very scared that night. In contrast, on Friday night, Jasper strode the crowded parking lot with canine confidence. Good on him!


God is in the Rain - Suicide Commando

The creator of this song asks: “If there is a god out there, where the hell is he when we need him?” 

I like the vibe provided by Pitite Oudy, French Cyber Goth model and dancer:


Coming Up For a Bit of Air

I haven't posted much because I've been trying to complete my update to "A Guidebook to Breaking Bad Filming Locations." After much fussing and technical stuff, I think I'm essentially there. Just a few minor details to take care of. 

Then I need to complete the update to "Breaking Bad: Signs and Symbols." A few more weeks of hell to go. 

I'm starting to work again with Dan Welch.  I haven't done any air quality modeling with him for more than a year.  

Back under again.