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Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Been Working On My Surrealism Talk For February

This is fun stuff. Surrealism has definitely affected "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul."

Weird Fitness Mystery - November 21, 2021

Who ARE these people! I saw the flags and assumed it was a political demonstration of some sort that was about to pass my house: maybe some pro-Trump rally. Instead, it appears to have been a mass jog by some fitness studio. No real explanation.

No One Wants To Date Conservatives Because They Are Moral Lepers

The whiny white-boy babies are pouting again. Too bad. No one will ever love them:
"Young Dems more likely to despise the other party," blares Tuesday's Axios headline, noting in the article that "5% of Republicans said they wouldn't be friends with someone from the opposite party, compared to 37% of Democrats," and "71% of Democrats wouldn't go on a date with someone with opposing views, versus 31% of Republicans."
...On the right, there was a lot of trumpeting how this supposedly proves the left are the ones who are "really" intolerant. Radio talker Matt Murphy whined that liberals "don't believe in our republic cannot abide people who think differently than them." As if not getting to have sex with or go to parties with liberals is exactly the same as having your basic rights as a citizen stripped from you. "This doesn't bode well," complained GOP lawyer and ABC commentator Sarah Isgur, who previously defended the Trump administration's policy of separating families at the U.S.-Mexico border as a former spokesperson in the Justice Department.
...This is about desirability, not "tolerance." Democrats are desirable as friends and lovers, not just to their fellow party members, but to Republicans, as well. But Republicans? They apparently don't have much to offer to Democrats as friends, and certainly not as lovers. Digging into the polling shows why this is. 
As the Axios write-up by Neal Rothschild notes, young Democrats believe that GOP positions "spearheaded by former President Trump — are far outside of the mainstream and polite conversation." In particular, "human rights, and not just policy differences, are at stake." Which, no duh. Just last week, the GOP-controlled Supreme Court made it clear they plan to strip basic bodily autonomy rights from everyone with a uterus. The Republican Party is rallying around violent and white supremacist rhetoric.

Covid Vaccinations For Children - Kaiser Roseville Hospital - December 3, 2021

Children and their parents line up in the hallway.  Not enough children are vaccinated yet to avoid a winter spike, but at least this is a start.

I found the bottom label on the fridge amusing.

Kiki Dee Band - I've Got The Music In Me - 1974

I've had a cold the last several days, but I'm beginning to feel better again. I took one of those BINAX Covid tests, and it came up negative. Beginning to feel - good! 

Good theme music for the moment...