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Friday, August 14, 2020

The Grind

I've been settling into the grind of enumerating for the census these last two days. August heat increasing every day too. Lost four pounds - all water, I'm sure! First day in Oak Park; second day in Curtis Park.

I was hoping for interesting stories to tell, but most of the conversations have been sincere and a bit awkward. It's an interesting way to meet your neighbors, though.

The most intriguing to me (so far) was listening to one respondent (a black Californian born in 1993) and hearing my nephew (a white New Mexican born in 1991). It was something about cadence and breath control. Slang tracks age cohorts, but do accents? Even across distances? Food for thought!

My Neighborhood Has Issues

These folks in the Bounder have been cited by the city for 72+ hours of continuous parking. Or is it 72+ hours of continuous cooking?

Getting Apprehensive About This Census Job

No effective rehearsal these Covid days. Will be flying by seat of pants.

Rotary Snow Plow on the Cumbres & Toltec

They rarely use the rotary snowplow these days, but they did early in 2020.