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Friday, October 24, 2003

Janell Gohring

RIP. A memorial service has been scheduled.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

What Went Wrong Regarding WMD

We are getting closer to an answer. The Administration lies to itself!

Monday, October 20, 2003

Folsom Renaissance Fair

Sunday was enjoyable. I met Alison Roest (formerly Lorenz), her husband Daniel, and their son Craig at their home in Folsom, and we all went to the Folsom Renaissance Fair. The Fair featured some jousting, many booths, a colorful itinerant band of merchants and ne'er-do-wells, and low sword prices (tempted there with the sword prices!)

I last saw Alison about ten years ago, when she used to attend Pam Kay Lourentzos' ballet class on Sunday morning (a class which still meets and which I attend faithfully!) They were the most gracious hosts, and their home is beautiful. Still, I felt a tinge of sadness for the passage of time - irrecoverable time - that we all experience as life goes on. Ten years! Hard to believe!